miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015

Un puñado de castañas

Escenas que perduran a través de los años, aunque últimamente adopten nuevas modalidades. Yo ya no puedo remontarme a la imagen de las castañeras, porque no la viví en primera persona, pero sí recuerdo desde niña los puestos de castañas, que han ido evolucionando hasta casi convertirse en una especie de franquicia o concesión. La última moda son los puestos en forma de locomotora, estratégicamente colocados en ciertas calles de la ciudad para recordarnos que el invierno ha llegado.

Un puñado de castañas

2 comentarios:

  1. Beautifully written my dear friend. We seek out a chestnut roaster who we have been going to for years. In summer he has an ice cream shop outside of Paris. In winter, he comes to Paris on a three wheeled motorcycle with a box on it for the roasting. I am always afraid that some day we will turn that corner and not find him there, as has happened with other places we love. It is not only the chestnuts, although he roasts them perfectly; it is also the years of friendship and loyalty in both directions. He came to France from Italy, so we always talk in Italian. Thank you for once again warming my heart with you stories. Big Hugs, Big Kisses, and Hot Chestnuts My Dear Friend

    1. You say something that´s very true: we seek confidence all around us, in every thing we do, even in the shops. The relationships are important, even in something common, like shoping, and make our world more confortable. I´m glad my stories and thoughts interest you, my friend. Be happy and peaceful, lots of kisses.
