martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

Como siempre

Cada vez quedan menos tiendas de esas de siempre, de las de toda la vida. De las que te asomas y descubres un mundo que ya no parece el tuyo, y sin embargo lo es mucho más de lo que imaginas. Últimamente son muchas las tiendas de este estilo que veo que desaparecen, y me he marcado como meta conseguir fotografiarlas antes de que se despidan para siempre.

Como siempre

2 comentarios:

  1. I also always lament when the old style stores close. It is like an old friend going away. Years ago, Jane and I worked on a project about the Jews of Paris. It was research and photos. I now have an archive of photos of stores. shops, and bistros that no longer exist in the once Jewish area of Paris. Take as many of those photos as you can. You will be happy to have them, and they will be of interest to others. Hugs and Kisses my Dear Friend

    1. What you tell me is a great idea, and I´m starting to think in doing something like that, here in my city. A big big hug, dear Michael.
