Es curioso que años más tarde se sigan repitiendo las mismas escenas. En esos mismos escalones, desgastados y resbaladizos, que conducen a un hórreo de principios del siglo XX, yo jugaba como esos niños, e imaginaba mil historias.
Con el tiempo, veo que otros niños, como yo, siguen subiendo escalones. No puedo decir que yo esté en el alto de la escalera, ni siquiera en el medio. Simplemente sigo en ella.
I am truly enjoying these new post that are in your own words. Your writing has flair, nostalgia, and a bit of Romantic melancholia. Since the words come from your heart, they have truth and support the beauty of the image. I hope you do more of this. Hugs and Kisses my talented friend.
ResponderEliminarSometimes, the meaning of the image to me is really important, and tells my own story, my own life. I did this photo in a wood near my parent´s house, where I lived some years ago. The child in the photo play like I did with my friends. That´s why I write my own words, instead of using an author´s quote. Thank you very much, I´m glad you enjoyed it. A big hug.