miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015

La edad de la ilusión

Uno se da cuenta de que se hace mayor cuando ve estas escenas. Y no es que no conserve aún ilusión por pequeñas (o quizás grandes, quién sabe) cosas, pero lo cierto es que la adolescencia es la edad del despertar, del descubrimiento. De la amistad, la ilusión y la esperanza. Tres valores esenciales, tres puntales imprescindibles.
Os deseo a todos una feliz entrada a 2016. Que en el nuevo año, nunca nos falte la ilusión.

La edad de la ilusión

2 comentarios:

  1. When I was a teacher, my students were adolescents, and they brought great joy to my life. I loved watching them adapt to life and new ideas. But mostly, I loved their humor and joy of all things new. I look at the photo of the three girls and remember how in many ways, I was an outsider, but often they would let me into their lives, and it was my joy to help them find their way. Hugs and Kisses My Friend

    1. I think that in the past, adolescents were more joyful than now. The new technologies had brought some isolation for them, in relation for the word. I don´t hesitate now there will be adolescents that keep the joy and the real wish for living the real life, but I see this image very often. A big hug, my dear friend.
