jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

De vuelta de todo

Dicen que una vez que has hecho una foto, tienes que esperar tiempo a 'revelarla'. Cuando yo empecé a hacer fotos, pensaba que eso era una tontería, pero años más tarde reconozco que tiene su parte de razón. A veces haces fotos, que en el momento ya sabes que serán válidas, que contarán una historia. Otras, las descartas momentáneamente, porque no les ves el sentido. 
Pero tiempo después, esas fotos descartadas te dicen algo que no viste en ese instante, pero que a través de la cámara sí presentiste. Ésta es una de ellas. La gente que sube cuesta arriba, las señoras que paseaban por la acera, junto a una gaviota que ni siquiera pestañeó... Todo cuenta una historia, que ocurrió en Malpica una tarde lluviosa de Marzo de 2015.

De vuelta de todo

2 comentarios:

  1. The photo and your philosophical ideas are so valid. A photo does not change. It records a true moment in time, and it exists in itself and is immutable. It is we who change in how we comprehend the photo. Our own photos, or the photos of others, may have an affect on us at once, or not until we have developed in our awareness enough to comprehend all that is present in the photo. I once read that all photos become interesting after enough time has past. But, I don't think that the photos become more interesting in and of themselves. I think we bring a new understanding to them. This happens to me not only with photos, but with books, films, plays, poems, and life itself. I liked your photo immediately because of the people walking on the untroubled flat surface juxtaposed against those dealing with the strain of the incline. That is an affectation of my age. At a younger age, I may have seen it differently. There is a play which I directed two times in my life: once when I was young, then again when I was older. When I was young, I directed as if the son were the main character; when I was older, I thought the father was the main character. Thankfully, we as humans are not immutable. Once again, your image and your ideas have made me become introspective, and I thank you for that. Big Hugs and Kisses my Dear Friend

    1. I agree with your words, dear friend. We changed, not the photos, or books, or films. What changes are we.
      And the most I like in this image are the stories it tells about people, people who walks around the port, people who walks on the ascent... I´m glad you like it, as me. Have a wonderful time ahead, I send you a big hug.
