martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

Tiempos inciertos

A lo largo de la vida nos enfrentamos a menudo con distintos escenarios que van cambiando progresivamente. Unas veces los dioses son benévolos con nosotros y nos conceden la dicha, y en otras ocasiones, la incertidumbre preside nuestros días.
En estos tiempos inciertos, en los que nada parece responder a los esquemas convencionales, siempre es bueno saber que más allá de toda consideración, lo importante es conservar el equilibrio.

Tiempos inciertos

2 comentarios:

  1. I always love when you show a solitary person that could be a part of his surroundings or outside of them. You cleverly leave it to the viewer to decide. I think that the state of mind of the viewer influences his opinion. Also very clever of you. The quote is interesting as well. I thought of the Golden Mean of Aristotle, who wrote that the best place to be, and the best decision is one that comes after evaluating the two most extreme positions. Only then can be make an informed decision, which may be different on different days and situations. Thank You for once again giving me deep thoughts. Big Hugs Dear Friend.

    1. We live difficult times, all things around us seems to be uncertain and sometimes they can be dangerous. The man who gazes at the sea in the image seemed to me the real example of the searching of the balance, the inner balance. Maybe because that´s what I do when I lose my balance.
      Always glad to talk to you, my dear friend. Lots of kisses!
